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Pendang, Kedah.
Residensi Bidara 3
International Lot - FREEHOLD
Single Storey Semi Detached
Residensi Bidara 3 is one of the on going project which located in Northern Region of Malaysia, Pendang, Kedah. Our sales representative always here to serve you. Providing Better Home for a Better Tomorrow.
Another Project by GPC Development Sdn. Bhd.

Single Storey Semi D | Build Up: 30'x35' | Land size: 38'x70'
Location Map

Hak Milik: Kekal ; No. Lesen Pemaju: 8704-24/08-2021/02776 (L) ; Sah Dari: 30/08/2020 – 29/08/2021 ; No. Permit Iklan dan Jualan: 8704-24/08-2021/02776 (P) ; Sah Dari: 30/08/2020 – 29/08/2021 ; Pelan Bangunan Diluluskan: Majlis Pembandaran Alor Setar; No. Rujukan: MDP 03/0.02090/17 (BD) ; Bebanan Tanah: Tiada ; Tarikh Dijangka Siap: Ogos 2021 ; Rumah Teres ; Jumlah Unit: 99 ; Harga Min: RM225,000.00 ; Harga Max: RM314,648.00 ; Rumah Bekembar; Jumlah Unit: 36 ; Harga Min: RM368,000.00 ; Harga Max: RM480,356.00

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